Isya Mulia Insani, Student Team Achievement Division Research

Selamat datang di website madrasasah kami. Semoga website ini dapat menjadi media untuk menjalin komunikasi yang baik. Pada laman ini kami menyematkan beberapa penelitian yang telah dilakukan di madrasah kami, yang tersedia dalam bentuk makalah maupun jurnal, sehingga hasil penelitian ini dapat diakses oleh masyarakat umum; akademisi; praktisi pendidikan; dan lain sebagainya, dengan lebih mudah dan terfokus.

Pada kesempatan kali ini kami merilis Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang dilakukan oleh Isya Mulia Insani, yang mengusung penelitian penerapan metode Student Team Achievement Division dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam. Penelitian ini telah terdaftar pada Index Copernicus Internasional, melalui jurnal Educatum; Scientific Journal of Education; ISSN 2986-1667 Vol. 1 Februari 2023. Hasil dari penelitian ini tersaji dalam bentuk jurnal ilmiah yang dapat diakses melalui tautan terlampir.


This study aims to determine and analyze the effectiveness of the method of sharing the achievements of student teams in improving student learning motivation in history subjects.MI Terpadu Ar Roihan Lawang, Jalan Monginsidi No. 2 Lawang, Malang through the method of sharing the achievements of the student team used in studying the history of Islamic culture, is expected to overcome a large decrease in motivation because from the perspective that the history of Islamic culture is a complicated and boring lesson, especially in the material know Walisongo. This research is motivated by the number of students who are less enthusiastic about participating in learning activities to get to know Sunan Drajat. Students of Class VI Gaza as a subject of study. During the implementation of the study was conducted three times.Data collection techniques through observation methods, interview methods, and documentation methods. The findings of the study, student learning motivation in the first cycle by 20%, increased in the second cycle by 73.3%, and continues to grow as expected, up to 86.7%, in the third cycle, 13 of 15 students who attended classes have had excellent and good learning motivation. Because the increase in learning motivation has reached more than 75%, it is considered effective and successful

Isya Mulia Insani, Student Team Achievement Division Research

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