Isya Mulia Insani; Iva Ariyanti; Hanis Ratnasari, Kurikulum Merdeka, Implementasi Profil Pelajar Pancasila dan Rahmatan Lil Alamin

Selamat datang di website madrasasah kami. Semoga website ini dapat menjadi media untuk menjalin komunikasi yang baik. Pada laman ini kami menyematkan beberapa penelitian yang telah dilakukan di madrasah kami, yang tersedia dalam bentuk makalah maupun jurnal, sehingga hasil penelitian ini dapat diakses oleh masyarakat umum; akademisi; praktisi pendidikan; dan lain sebagainya, dengan lebih mudah dan terfokus

Pada kesempatan kali ini kami merilis Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Isya Mulia Insani; Iva Ariyanti; dan Hanis Ratnasari yang mengusung penelitian Kurikukum Merdeka, Implementasi Profil Pelajar Pancasila dan Rahmatan Lil Alamin di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Penelitian ini telah terdaftar pada Index Copernicus Internasional, melalui jurnal Educatum; Scientific Journal of Education; ISSN 2986-1667 Vol. 1 September 2023. Hasil dari penelitian ini tersaji dalam bentuk jurnal ilmiah yang dapat diakses melalui tautan terlampir.

Merdeka Curriculum, Pancasila Student Profile Implementation, and Lil Alamin Gratitude in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Authors: Isya Mulia Insani, Iva Ariyanti, and Hanis Ratnasari


The Merdeka curriculum is a form of Indonesia’s hope to encourage innovation and creativity in the field of education. Consideration of applying this curriculum is one of them, as a ransom for the learning loss that occurred over the past two years. This study presents facts related to the application, implementation, and implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum by combining the profiles of Pancasila students and Lil Alamin students of Mercy in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Type of qualitative research with interview methods. Planning is done through training related to the entire device of the Merdeka Curriculum. Implementation of learning in accordance with the teaching modules and project modules that have been compiled at the time of planning presents difficulties in combining the dimensions of Pancasila students and Lil Alamin Charity students. This is due to the lack of workshops and socialization related to the profile of Lil Alamine Charity Student. Results or reports of the implementation of learning activities, measured in data-scale numerical form and description Implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum requires training, guidance, and monitoring on a regular basis, mainly in coordination between the Profile of Pancasila Students and Lil Alamin Charity Students in the preparation of teaching modules as well as project modules

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